Camera traps capture mother tiger with four cubs

Camera trap image of a tiger mother walking through the forest behind three of her cubs with a fourth cub partially hidden by trees

Deep within the jungles of Malaysia prowl the country’s last remaining tigers. With fewer than 150 individuals, tigers here are on the brink of extinction.

So imagine the surprise and joy when tiger conservationists at WWF-Malaysia spotted a tigress with four cubs on camera traps set up to monitor this population. The recent discovery coincides with increased efforts in the country to secure a future for this iconic big cat.

“This latest development renews hope that this critically endangered species can be saved from the brink of extinction.”

Sophia Lim
CEO WWF-Malaysia
What’s being done to conserve Malaysia’s last tigers?

Until recently, snares set by poachers loomed as the greatest threat to Malaysian wild tigers. Regular patrols by WWF’s anti-poaching teams and Perak State Parks Corporation’s Orang Asli Menraq Patrol Unit cover a tiger habitat that spans more than 450 square miles. With support from Malaysia’s Department of Wildlife and National Parks of Peninsular Malaysia, these patrols have reduced poaching incidents by almost 98% in the last few years alone.

Stricter laws for wildlife crimes are expected to take effect this month, including doubling the maximum fine for offenders. The establishment of the National Tiger Task Force, headed by Malaysia’s Prime Minister, and the establishment of a Wildlife Crime Bureau are also expected to strengthen law enforcement.

The future of Malaysia’s tigers still hangs in the balance, but thanks to the collaborative efforts of government and community partners these young cubs have a fighting chance at survival and are proof that with the right conditions, tigers can breed and repopulate a once thriving tiger landscape.