Relatable facts about endangered species

Lion cub sleeping on a tree branch

Plenty of stories focus on what makes endangered species unique—their ability to jump, run, eat, and survive in situations that fascinate us. But in addition to these distinct talents, many endangered species exhibit some very relatable behavior. Here are just a few:

Pandas Snack all day long

Giant pandas spend 10-16 hours a day eating. So next time you grab a snack, just know you’re channeling your inner panda. They eat around 26 to 84 pounds of bamboo every day, depending on what part of the bamboo they are eating.

Tigers Go for a dip to cool off

Tigers need access to clean water to survive, and if the days get too hot, they are known to get in the water to cool off.

Asian elephants Maintain friendships over time and space

Asian elephants are extremely sociable, forming groups that are led by the oldest and most experienced female, the matriarch. The more we learn about their social dynamic, the more we see that Asian elephants form vast networks, and studies show they even maintain connections with elephants they go a long time without seeing.

Polar bears Mostly solitary but will gather if food is involved

Polar bears have a mostly solitary lifestyle, but with food, opportunity arises. You likely won’t see many polars around unless there is a feast of a beached whale or other large meal.

Sea turtles Travel is life

Once hatchlings make it out to sea, they embark on an epic journey that can eventually lead species like the loggerhead to migrate across the entire Atlantic Ocean. Sea turtles get to their destinations through a combination of strategic swimming mixed with passive drifting on ocean currents.

Lions Nap like champions

Sleep is precious and lions are professional cat nappers. They spend a substantial portion of their daily lives napping and resting. A lion may sleep up to 20 hours a day, something that may make some of us a little jealous.

Black-footed ferrets Are oh so chatty

Often described as vocal, black-footed ferrets make a number of noises as they go about their day. They’ll communicate with chatters, hisses, whimpers and even barking. While they are mostly solitary except during breeding season and while raising young, they communicate often and with a variety of noises.

Humpback whales Melodious vocalists

Who doesn’t love some music and sing a merry tune or two every now and then? Humpback whales are one of the most vocal marine mammals, and they make noise and use sound to communicate with each other.

Endangered species are reminders that we’re all interconnected, that even animals across the globe are vital threads in the tapestry of life. We can do so much more to care for one another and see some of the similarities we all share.